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Perubahan dalam beberapa nutrisi fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.)
A.A. Abdel-NABEY & A.A. Damir
Departemen Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Iskandariyah, EI-Shatby, 21.526 Alexandria, Mesir
Diterima 20 Desember 1989; diterima 28 Mei 1990
Kata kunci: fenugreek biji, komposisi asam amino, in vitro dicerna, mendidih, senyawa nitrogen, mineral, senyawa fosfor, asam phytic
Abstrak. Fenugreek benih direbus dalam air untuk berbagai jangka waktu (5, 10 dan 15 menit). Perubahan dalam berat, volume, kadar air, total gula, senyawa nitrogen, mineral, senyawa fosfor, asam phytic, asam amino dan in vitro dicerna benih serta total padatan dari air mendidih yang ditentukan. Data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan baik dalam berat dan volume serta in vitro biji fenugreek dicerna terutama setelah 5 menit pertama mendidih. Di sisi lain, penurunan isi total gula, senyawa protein, kalsium, magnesium, asam phytic, fosfor dan asam amino yang diamati. Pengurangan ini diikuti dengan peningkatan bertahap total padatan air mendidih.
Tanaman Makanan untuk Nutrisi Manusia 40: 267-274, 1990. 267 © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dicetak di Belanda.
Changes in some nutrients of fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum graecum L.) seeds during water boiling A.A. ABDEL-NABEY & A.A. DAMIR Department of Agricultural Industries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, EI-Shatby, 21526 Alexandria, Egypt Received 20 December 1989; accepted 28 May 1990 Key words: fenugreek seeds, amino acids composition, in vitro digestibility, boiling, nitrogen compounds, minerals, phosphorus compounds, phytic acid Abstract. Fenugreek seeds were boiled in water for various lengths of time (5, 10 and 15 min). Changes in weight, volume, moisture content, total sugars, nitrogen compounds, minerals, phosphorus compounds, phytic acid, amino acids and the in vitro digestibility of the seeds as well as the total solids of the boiling water were determined. Data indicated that there was an increase in both weight and volume as well as the in vitro digestibility of fenugreek seeds especially after the first 5 minutes of boiling. On the other hand, a decrease in the content of total sugars, protein compounds, calcium, magnesium, phytic acid, phosphorus and amino acids was observed. The reduction was accompanied by a gradual increase in the total solids of boiling water. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 40: 267-274, 1990. 267 © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
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