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Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
- Synonyms
(View the names of this plant in 76 languages) pharmaceutical Semen Foenugraeci Albanian Kopër Greqie, Trëndetina yzerlike, Trëndetinë, Yzerlik Amharic አብሽ Abish Arabic حلبه, حلبة حُلْبَة Hulba, Hilbeh Armenian Chaiman Assamese মেথি, মিথি, মিথি গুটি Methi, Mithi, Mithi guti Basque Allibre, Allorbe Belarusian Пажытнік грэчаскі Pažytnik grečaski Bengali মেথি Methi Bulgarian Сминдух, Сминдух гръцки, Тилчец, Чимен Sminduh, Sminduh grutski, Tilchets, Chimen Burmese Penantazi Catalan Fenigrec Chinese
(Cantonese)葫蘆巴 [wùh lòuh bā] Wuh louh ba Chinese
(Mandarin)葫蘆巴 [hú lú bā], 胡芦巴 [hú lú bā] Hu lu ba Croatian Grčka djetlina, Grčko sijeno, Piskavica Czech Pískavice řecké seno, Senenka Danish Bukkehornskløver, Bukkehorns-frø Dhivehi އޯބައިޔް, އޯބަތް Oabaiy, Oabath Dogri मेथी Methi Dutch Fenegriek Esperanto Fenugreko Estonian Kreeka lambalääts, Põld-lambalääts Farsi شنبلیله Shanbalile Finnish Sarviapila French Fenugrec, Sénegré, Trigonelle Galician Fenogreco, Alforfa German Bockshornklee, Griechisch Heu Georgian სოლინჯი, ჩამანი Solinji, Chaman Greek Τριγωνέλλα, Μοσχοσίταρο Trigonella, Moschositaro Greek (Old) Τῆλις Telis Gujarati મેથી Methi Hebrew חילבה חִילבֶּה Hilbeh Hindi कसूरी मेथी, मेथी, साग मेथी Kasuri methi, Methi, Sag methi Hungarian Görögszéna Indonesian Kelabet, Klabat, Kelabat Italian Fieno greco Japanese コロハ, フェヌグリーク Koruha, Fenu-guriku Kannada ಮೆಂತೆ, ಮೆಂತ್ಯ Mente, Mentya Kashmiri میٹھ Meth Korean 호로파, 페니그릭 Horopa, Penigurik Latin Fænum Græcum Latvian Sierāboliņš Lithuanian Vaistinė ožragė Macedonian Грчко семе Grčko seme Maithili मेथी Methi Malay Halba, Kelabet Malayalam ഉലുവാ, ഉലുവ, വെന്തയം Uluva, Venthayam Marathi मेथी Methi Nepali मेथी Methi Newari
(Nepalbhasa)मी Mi Norwegian Bukkehornkløver Oriya ମେଥୀ Methi Pahlavi Shabaliidag Polish Kozieradka pospolita; Nasiona kozieradki (fenugreek seeds) Portuguese Feno-grego, Alfarva, Alforba, Fenacho Provençal Senigré Punjabi ਮੇਥੀ Methi Romanian Molotru, Molotru comun, Schinduf Russian Пажитник греческий, Шамбала, Пажитник сенной Pazhitnik grecheski, Shambala, Pazhitnik cennoj Sanskrit Methika Serbian Пискавица, Грчко семе Piskavica, Grčko seme Sinhala උලුහාල්, උළුහාල් Uluhal Slovak Pískavica, Senovka grécka Slovenian Grško seno, Sabljasti triplat Spanish Alholva, Fenogreco Swahili Uwatu Swedish Bockhornsklöver Tamil மேதி, வெந்தயம், வேதனி Meti, Vendayam, Vetani Telugu మెంతులు Mentikura, Mentulu Thai ลูกซัด Luk sat Tibetan མི་ཏི་ Mi ti Tigrinya ኣባዕከ Abaka Turkish Çemen, Çimen, Boy tohumu†, Buyotu, Hulbe, Kokulu yonca Ukrainian Гуньба сінна Hunba sinna Urdu میتھی, شنبلید, کسوری میتھی Methi, Shanbalid; Kasuri methi (herb) Vietnamese Cỏ ca ri, Hồ lô ba Co cari, Ho lo ba Yiddish כילבע, פֿעגרעקום Khilbe, Fenigrekum - Note
Fenugreek is sometimes confused with its close relative blue fenugreek, especially in the context of Georgian cuisine.
Fenugreek plant Fenugreek seeds - Used plant part
The brownish-
yellow seeds of rhombic shape (about 3 mm) . Indians also like the fresh leaves, which are eaten as a very tasty vegetable and prepared like spinach, or dried and used as a flavouring. The leaves of a related plant (blue fenugreek), which appear in Central European cooking, can be substituted by fenugreek leaves.- Plant family
Fabaceae (bean family).
- Sensory quality
Bitter and aromatic. The leaves’ fragrance slightly resembles lovage.
- Main constituents
Fenugreek seeds contains only minute quantities of an essential oil. In the essential oil, 40 different compounds were found, furthermore, n-alkanes, sesquiterpenes, alkanoles and lactones were reported.
Fenugreek flower Fenugreek (plants with ripening fruits). Note the long pods! The dominant aroma component in fenugreek seeds is a hemiterpenoid γ-lactone, sotolone (3-hydroxy 4,5-dimethyl 2(5H)-furanone), which is contained in concentrations up to
25 ppm . It supposedly forms by oxidative deamination of 4-hydroxy isoleucine. Sotolone has a spicy flavour and was also found a key flavour in fermented protein seasonings, e.g., Maggi sauce. There is chemical similarity between sotolone and the phthalides responsible for the quite similar flavour of lovage leaves.(ACS Symposium Series, 660, 1997) Toasted fenugreek seeds owe their altered, more nutty flavour to another type of heterocyclic compounds, the so-called pyrazines. See cumin for further information.
Fenugreek leaves were found to contain small amounts of sesquiterpenes (cadinene, α-cadinol, γ-eudesmol and α-bisabolol).
(Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16, 356, 2004) Among the non-volatile components of fenugreek seeds, the furostanol glycosides are probably responsible for the bitter taste; among the several more compounds yet identified, steroles and diosgenin derivatives (of potential interest for the pharmaceutical industry) and trigonellin (N-methyl-pyridinium-3-carboxylate, 0.4%) are most worth noting.
- Origin
From the Mediterranean to China.
- Etymology
Trigonella is a latinized diminutive of Greek trigonon [τρίγωνον]
, composed of treis [τρεῖς]three
and gony [γόνυ]knee, angle
(see also Vietnamese coriander); it probably refers to the triangular shape of the flowers. Cf. also the Yiddish term for the genus, draykantl [דרײַקאַנטל]three-edged
.The Latin species name foenum graecum means
Greek hay
, referring to both the intensive hay fragrance of dried fenugreek herb and its Eastern Mediterranean origin. That Latin name still lives in many European tongues, e.g., English fenugreek or Dutch fenegriek. Note that in some of these languages, the name for fennel may look similar, becausefennel
also derives from Latin foenumhay
.Other languages use adaptions of foenum graecum, like Slovak grško seno
Greek hay
and Estonian kreeka lambaläätsGreek clover
. Despite the strong association with Greece, the classical Greek name of fenugreek, telis [τῆλις], has vanished without a trace from modern languages (maybe with the exception of Bulgarian tilchets [тилчец]?).
Fenugreek flower Several Germanic languages have closely related names, e.g., German Bockshornklee, Swedish bockhornsklöver and Norwegian bukkehornkløver
buck’s horn’s clover
. These names refer to the long, pointed fruits (legumes) which may be compared with a buck’s horn. Similar names meaningbuck’s horn
are also given to the large pods of St. John’s Bread (Carob) regionally.Spanish alholva and Portuguese alforba are, like many other plant names used on the Iberic peninsula (see also capers), borrowed from Arabic: al-hulbah [الحلبه]
the fenugreek
. The Arabic name hulbah [حلبه] is probably a native Semitic name deriving from the same root ḤLBmilk
that also lies behind the name of mahaleb cherry. In that case, that name would have been motivated by the strong galactagogue action of fenugreek which is widely used in folk medicine. The Hebrew cognate is hilbeh [חילבה], which appears in Yiddish as khilbe [כילבע].Arabic hulbah is also the source for several names of fenugreek in Far Eastern languages: Malayalam uluva [ഉലുവ], Sinhala uluhal [උලුහාල්], Malay halba, Indonesian klabat, Chinese hu lu ba [葫蘆巴, 胡芦巴], Vietnamese ho lo ba [hồ lô ba] and Korean horopa [호로파].
Middle Persian sambalidag is the predecessor of modern Farsi shanbalileh [شنبلیله] or Urdu shanbalid [شنبلید]; it has been borrowed to Russian as shambala [шамбала]. Akkadian šambaliltu belongs to the same group, although the word is cetrainly not Semitic. Rather similar names are found in the Baltic countries (Finnish sarviapila, Latvian sierāboliņš), yet I do not understand the connection (if there is any). There is also a puzzling close match between Sumerian sullim [𒌑𒂙𒊬] and Georgian solinji [სოლინჯი], with no similar forms in adjacent languages.
- Selected Links
Indian Spices: Fenugreek (indianetzone.com) A Pinch of Fenugreek (www.apinchof.com) The Epicentre: Fenugreek Medical Spice Exhibit: Fenugreek Pflanzen des Capitulare de Villis: Bockshornklee (biozac.de) Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association: Fenugreek Recipe: Khoreshte Ghorme Sabzi [خورشت قرمه سبزی] (www.farhangsara.com) Recipe: Ghorme Sabzi [قرمه سبزی] (www.persia.org) Recipe: Aloo methi [आलू मेथी] (Potatoes with fresh fenugreek leaves) (www.veggievilla.com) Recipe: Aloo methi [आलू मेथी] (Potatoes with dried fenugreek leaves) (www.recipecottage.com)
Fenugreek plants |
goatyand bitter. It is now mostly used in the West, Central and South Asia; in India, it is popular for pickles. Dry toasting can enhance the flavour and reduce the bitterness, provided care is taken not to overheat the seeds.
Fenugreek leaves are an important spice from Central Asia to Northern India; in Northern India, they are sometimes found in the typical yeast bread naan (then called methi naan [मेथी नान]); in South India, dried fenugreek leaves are often used as a flavouring for potato curries.
Iran has a particularly rich tradition in cooking with fenugreek leaves; among the most famous examples is ghorme sabzi [قرمه سبزی], a thick sauce made from fresh or dried vegetables (leek, onion, occasionally beans) and herbs (fenugreek, parsley, mint; some recipes also call for chives and coriander leaves). The sauce acquires a characteristic acidic flavour by addition of dried limes. Khoreshte ghorme sabzi [خورشت قرمه سبزی] is mutton slowly stewed in this aromatic herb sauce.
The more important spice, however, is fenugreek seeds, which is used in a much larger area, and whose use is more general, not restricted to specific dishes.
While Western Asia is generally not fond of fenugreek (the closely related blue fenugreek, however, is much used in Georgia), the spice is known and valued in the Red Sea region, where it has a long history: Egyptian papyri mention the plant as one necessary for the mummification process. The Ethiopian spice mixture berbere (see long pepper) contains small amounts of fenugreek. Yemeni cooking shows a particularly strong inclination towards fenugreek, as the national sauce hilbeh consists mainly of fenugreek seeds and chiles; that recipe has also found many friends in Israel.
In most of India, especially the south, fenugreek is indispensible; it is usually toasted and ground with other spices to give countless spice blends, or fried in oil to improve its flavour. Small amounts of fenugreek should be found in any good curry powders (see curry leaves). Fenugreek is also popular in the South of India and appears in the ubiquitous Tamil spice mixture sambar podi (see cumin). Lastly, the bitter-aromatic seeds constitute an essential part of the Bengali five spice
mixture panch phoron (see nigella).
As a general rule, South India has its spices toasted to a darker colour and flavour than the North; yet the darkest fenugreek seeds ever I encountered near the Northern edge of the Indian subcontinent. Newari cooking, located in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal, is famous for a number of spicy snacks rich in fresh garlic (see there for more) and dried chiles. Some of the vegetable salads are sprinkled with fenugrek seeds that are no longer brown but plainly black due to excessive toasting. Yet in these extremely spicy, salty and acidic salads, the burnt and bitter flavour actually provides an interesting contrast, for example in achar [आचार] (hot and sour salad from bean sprouts and julienned cucumber and carrot) and also in the kochila [कोचिला] (highly spiced pan-fried ground buffalo meat which is eaten either raw or pan-fried).
The wide-spread popularity of this bitter spice may surprise Western cooks; although bitterness arises unpleasant associations in most people, culinary use of bitter taste is a theme found all over the globe. Of the spices discussed on this page, many have a more or less significantly bitter character. See zedoary for more on that topic.
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