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Fenugreek Seed untuk Meningkatkan Milk Supply
Oleh Kelly Bonyata, IBCLC
* Apakah yang dimaksud dengan galactagogue? Apakah saya memerlukannya?
* Herbal keamanan bagi ibu menyusui (informasi umum)
* Efek pada produksi susu
* Disarankan dosis
* Keselamatan
* Kemungkinan efek samping dan memperingatkan
* Drug interaksi
* Fenugreek digunakan selama kehamilan
* Kemungkinan efek samping bagi bayi
* Where to get fenugreek
* Kegunaan lain untuk fenugreek
* Nama lain untuk fenugreek
* Nutrisi profil
* Referensi
* Tambahan Informasi
o Fenugreek dan Menyusui
o Informasi Umum
o Penelitian
o Gunakan Tradisional
o Informasi Bersejarah
Berpengaruh pada produksi susu
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) tampaknya menjadi jamu yang paling sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan suplai susu. Ini adalah galactagogue yang sangat baik, dan telah digunakan selama berabad-abad seperti itu. Dalam sebuah studi dari sepuluh perempuan, "penggunaan fenugreek meningkat secara signifikan volume ASI" [Swafford 2000].
Ibu umumnya melihat peningkatan produksi mulai 24-72 jam setelah rempah, tetapi bisa memakan waktu dua minggu bagi orang lain untuk melihat perubahan.
Dosis kurang dari 6 kapsul / hari (sekitar 3.500 mg / hari) tidak menghasilkan efek di banyak perempuan. Salah satu cara untuk menentukan apakah Anda mengambil dosis yang tepat adalah dengan perlahan-lahan meningkatkan jumlah fenugreek sampai keringat dan urin Anda mulai berbau seperti sirup mapel. Jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan efek samping, menghentikan penggunaan dan mempertimbangkan metode alternatif untuk meningkatkan suplai susu.
Fenugreek dapat digunakan baik jangka pendek untuk meningkatkan pasokan susu atau jangka panjang untuk menambah pasokan dan / atau hasil pemompaan. Tidak ada penelitian yang menunjukkan masalah dengan penggunaan jangka panjang. Per Kathleen Huggins "Kebanyakan ibu telah menemukan bahwa tanaman dapat dikeluarkan sekali produksi susu dirangsang untuk tingkat yang tepat. Produksi yang memadai biasanya dipertahankan cukup selama rangsangan dan mengosongkan payudara terus" [Huggins].
Disarankan dosis
(580-610 mg)
* 2-4 kapsul, 3 kali per hari
* 6-12 kapsul (total) per hari
* ~ 1200-2400 mg, 3 kali per hari (3,5-7,3 gram / hari)
* Jerman Komisi E merekomendasikan asupan harian 6 gram
(500 mg)
* 7-14 kapsul (total) per hari
bubuk atau biji
* 1 / 2 - 1 sendok teh, 3 kali per hari
* 1 kapsul = 1 / 4 sendok teh
* Dapat dicampur dengan sedikit air atau jus
1-2 mL, 3 kali per hari (atau lihat paket petunjuk)
satu cangkir teh, 2-3 kali per hari
Fenugreek digunakan untuk membumbui buatan sirup maple, dan digunakan sebagai bahan makanan umum (kari, chutneys, dll) dan obat tradisional di banyak bagian dunia, termasuk India, Yunani, Cina, Afrika Utara dan Timur Tengah. Ini adalah bahan dasar bubuk kari (sering digunakan dalam masakan India) dan Lima Spice campuran (digunakan dalam masakan Asia). Juga dimakan sebagai salad dan tumbuh.
Fenugreek dianggap aman untuk ibu menyusui ketika digunakan dalam moderasi dan berada di US Food and Drug Administration's GRAS daftar (Umumnya Diakui Sebagai Safe). Seperti kebanyakan obat-obatan dan rempah-rempah, berbagai efek samping telah dicatat; melihat efek samping dan keamanan informasi di bawah ini.
Per Hale [Hale 2002], "Pengalihan fenugreek ke susu tidak diketahui, tetapi efek yang tak diinginkan belum dilaporkan." Hale mengklasifikasikan dalam Laktasi Risiko Kategori L3 (cukup aman).
Kemungkinan efek samping dan memperingatkan
* Keringat dan air kencing berbau seperti sirup mapel, susu dan / atau menyusui bayi mungkin berbau seperti sirup mapel.
* Kadang-kadang menyebabkan tinja longgar, yang pergi ketika fenugreek dihentikan.
* Penggunaan lebih dari 100 gram biji fenugreek harian usus dapat menyebabkan stres dan mual (direkomendasikan dosis kurang dari 8 gram per hari).
* Berulang-ulang aplikasi eksternal dapat mengakibatkan reaksi kulit yang tidak diinginkan [Wichtl 1994].
* Penelanan dari biji fenugreek atau teh pada bayi atau akhir jangka-wanita hamil dapat menyebabkan palsu sirup maple diagnosis penyakit kencing pada bayi karena kehadiran sotolone dalam urin. Lihat [Korman 2001] dan studi lain di fenugreek dan sirup maple bau urin.
Gunakan dengan hati-hati atau menghindari jika Anda memiliki riwayat:
* Kacang tanah atau alergi kacang panjang: Fenugreek berada dalam keluarga yang sama dengan kacang tanah dan buncis, dan dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi pada ibu yang alergi terhadap hal-hal ini. Dua kasus alergi fenugreek telah dilaporkan dalam literatur. [Patil 1997, Ohnuma 1998, Lawrence 1999]
* Diabetes atau hipoglikemia: Fenugreek mengurangi kadar glukosa darah, dan dalam beberapa studi menggunakannya sebagai hipoglikemik, juga mengurangi kolesterol darah. Dosis lebih tinggi daripada yang dianjurkan satu (diberikan di atas) dapat mengakibatkan hipoglikemia dalam beberapa ibu [Heller]. Jika Anda diabetes (IDDM), gunakan fenugreek hanya jika Anda memiliki kontrol yang baik terhadap kadar glukosa darah Anda. Sementara mengambil ini, terus memantau tingkat puasa Anda dan pasca-berhubung dgn makan siang (setelah makan) tingkat. Ibu dengan hipoglikemia juga perlu menggunakan fenugreek dengan hati-hati. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut fenugreek dan kadar glukosa, lihat referensi di bawah ini.
* Asma: Fenugreek sering dikutip sebagai obat alami untuk asma. Namun, inhalasi bubuk dapat menyebabkan gejala asma dan alergi. Beberapa ibu telah melaporkan bahwa gejala asma memburuk. [Dugue 1993, Huggins, Lawrence 1999].
* Abnormal siklus menstruasi: Fenugreek adalah dianggap sebagai emmenagogue (mempromosikan aliran menstruasi). Per [White], hal itu dapat menyebabkan perdarahan menstruasi terobosan; sumber ini merekomendasikan menggunakan fenugreek dengan hati-hati jika Anda memiliki riwayat siklus haid yang tidak normal.
* Migran: Fenugreek sering dikutip sebagai obat alami untuk migrain. Namun, [White] menunjukkan bahwa hal itu mungkin memicu migrain dan / atau berkontribusi pada durasi dan keparahan migrain.
* Masalah tekanan darah atau penyakit jantung: Fenugreek umumnya dilaporkan untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol darah LDL. [White] menunjukkan, bagaimanapun, bahwa mungkin menyebabkan atau memberikan kontribusi untuk hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi) - menganjurkan menghindari sumber ini herbal ini jika Anda memiliki riwayat hipertensi, atau jika ada sejarah keluarga yang kuat hipertensi atau penyakit jantung.
Interaksi obat
* Oral ramuan obat-obatan atau diambil di waktu yang sama mungkin telah tertunda fenugreek penyerapan karena isi lendir fenugreek. [Wichtl 1994]
* Glipizide dan obat-obatan antidiabetic
Fenugreek mengurangi kadar glukosa darah dan dapat meningkatkan efek obat-obatan ini.
* Insulin
Fenugreek mengurangi kadar glukosa darah, sehingga dosis insulin mungkin perlu disesuaikan.
* Heparin, antikoagulan Warfarin dan lain
Ticlopidine dan platelet inhibitor
Tanaman yang fenugreek mengandung beberapa senyawa coumarin. Walaupun penelitian belum menunjukkan masalah, hal itu potensial bisa menyebabkan perdarahan jika dikombinasikan dengan jenis obat.
Fenugreek mengandung amina dan memiliki potensi untuk menambah efek obat ini.
Interaksi obat Referensi:
[Wichtl 1994]
Fenugreek interaksi obat dari Healthnotes
Fenugreek interaksi obat dari Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Fenugreek digunakan selama kehamilan
Dosis obat fenugreek, bukan jumlah yang digunakan dalam kari, dianggap sebagai stimulan rahim. Fenugreek telah digunakan untuk membantu dan mendorong tenaga kerja [Dehlvi, Bingel 1991, IntelliHealth] dan dianggap sebagai emmenagogue [Turner]. Untuk alasan ini, fenugreek gunakan tidak dianjurkan selama kehamilan (terutama akhir kehamilan).
* Fenugreek digunakan sebagai obat mual pagi hari di obat Cina. [Richmond]
* "Gunakan hanya dalam jumlah sedang selama kehamilan. Seorang uterus stimulan dalam dosis tinggi, tetapi cukup aman sebagai ramuan kuliner atau selama persalinan." [Ody 1999]
* Daftar fenugreek Motherlove Herbal sebagai ramuan pembersihan yang "terlalu kuat atau menjengkelkan" untuk digunakan selama kehamilan. [Motherlove]
* Satu studi secara efektif digunakan fenugreek sebagai sumber serat untuk mengontrol glukosa darah dan kadar lemak diabetes wanita hamil. [Madar 1987]
* "Sebuah efek stimulan pada rahim terisolasi (guinea pig) telah dilaporkan dan penggunaannya pada akhir kehamilan mungkin tidak dianjurkan." [Hale 2002]
* "Air dan ekstrak alkohol fenugreek adalah oxytocic. Mereka merangsang kontraksi otot polos uterus selama periode terakhir kehamilan menurut studi pada marmut terisolasi jaringan rahim." [Willard 1991]
* "Fenugreek diberikan sebuah efek oxytocic kelinci percobaan. Penggunaannya pada manusia belum cukup belajar, namun berpotensi menyebabkan SAB atau prematur persalinan prematur dan sekunder terhadap efek oxytocic. Its digunakan dalam kehamilan tidak dianjurkan." [Rice]
* Tidak dianjurkan selama kehamilan. [Comme, Brinker 1998, McGuffin 1997, mho]
Kemungkinan efek samping bagi bayi
Sebagian besar waktu, bayi tidak dipengaruhi oleh ibu penggunaan fenugreek (kecuali yang lebih banyak susu yang biasanya tersedia). Kadang-kadang bayi akan berbau seperti sirup mapel juga (seperti ibu). Namun, beberapa ibu telah memperhatikan bahwa bayi rewel dan / atau telah hijau, berair bangku ketika ibu mengambil fenugreek dan gejala hilang waktu ibu discontinues yang fenugreek.
Fenugreek dapat menyebabkan gejala GI pada ibu (sakit perut, diare), sehingga memungkinkan untuk itu menyebabkan gejala pada bayi GI juga. Juga setiap orang dapat memiliki reaksi alergi terhadap ramuan apapun, dan fenugreek alergi, meskipun jarang, telah didokumentasikan.
Alasan lain untuk jenis gejala - dan mungkin lebih mungkin dibandingkan reaksi terhadap jamu - mungkin bahwa pasokan ibu telah meningkat karena fenugreek dan gejala adalah orang-orang yang kelebihan pasokan, di mana bayi mendapat terlalu banyak foremilk. Kecerewetan, gas dan tinja berair hijau gejala klasik dari yg melimpah-limpah susu.
Beberapa hal yang perlu dicoba:
* Coba ramuan yang berbeda. Hal ini akan membantu bila bayi bereaksi terhadap fenugreek dalam susu ibu.
* Hentikan fenugreek (tanpa beralih ke ramuan lain). Jika Anda membawa fenugreek untuk suplai rendah, dan mengalami masalah dengan kelebihan pasokan saat mengambil ramuan ini, mungkin akan dipertanyakan apakah Anda perlu untuk meningkatkan pasokan di tempat pertama.
Jika Anda sengaja mencoba mempertahankan kelebihan pasokan (seperti ketika anda memompa bagian / sepanjang waktu dan bukan menyusui langsung), maka Anda juga dapat mencoba hal-hal berikut:
Potong kembali di fenugreek dosis untuk melihat apakah gejala bayi menghilang.
Mengambil langkah-langkah untuk memperbaiki kelebihan pasokan (membantu bayi mendapatkan lebih hindmilk) dengan melakukan hal-hal seperti menjaga bayi hanya satu payudara hingga 2-3 jam.
Pertanyaan utama dalam hal ini, bagaimanapun, adalah apakah fenugreek diperlukan sama sekali. Banyak ibu merasa bahwa penawaran mereka rendah ketika itu benar-benar tidak. Lihat Meningkatkan Minum Susu rendah untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Di mana mendapatkan fenugreek
Biji fenugreek kapsul, tincture dan teh dapat dibeli di banyak toko makanan kesehatan dan online. Anda juga dapat membeli kapsul gelatin kosong dan sebagian besar biji fenugreek bubuk untuk membuat kapsul sendiri.
Fenugreek teh adalah bentuk lemah rempah. Untuk teh: menggunakan seluruh fenugreek sendok teh biji. Curam dalam air mendidih selama 15 menit atau lebih dan minum tiga kali atau lebih sehari.
Fenugreek kecambah adalah cara lain untuk makan fenugreek. Fenugreek benih dapat diperoleh dalam makanan sebagian besar bagian dari beberapa toko makanan kesehatan, atau Anda mungkin dapat menemukan mereka di sebuah toko yang mengkhususkan diri di India atau makanan timur lainnya. 1-2 sendok teh Rendam benih dalam air semalam. Tuangkan bahwa air dari hari berikutnya (atau minum - it's fenugreek teh) dan benih bilas dengan air jernih. Tempatkan benih menjadi sprouter (ini dapat sesederhana kecil, plastik bening clamshell membawa keluar wadah), dan tempat di atas jendela atau meja dengan tutupnya sedikit terbuka. Bilas dengan air setiap hari. Benih akan tumbuh di sekitar lima hari.
Fenugreek benih untuk mastitis atau pembengkakan: Curam beberapa ons benih dalam cangkir atau air. Biarkan benih dingin, kemudian mash mereka. Tempatkan pada kain yang bersih, hangat, dan gunakan sebagai tapal atau plester pada payudara membesar atau mastitic untuk membantu dengan let-down dan sakit bintik-bintik.
Lebih arah dan resep untuk menggunakan fenugreek dapat ditemukan dalam artikel Fenugreek by Della Richmond.
Kegunaan lain fenugreek
Fenugreek telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengobati diabetes, batuk, kemacetan, bronkitis, demam, tekanan darah tinggi, sakit kepala / migrain, diare, perut kembung, anemia, siklus haid tidak teratur dan radang sendi, untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan menstruasi tenaga kerja sakit, dan sebagai perangsang nafsu makan . Fenugreek juga telah digunakan sebagai tapal eksternal untuk mengendalikan peradangan dan ketombe.
Ada saat ini sedang dilakukan penelitian tentang penggunaan fenugreek untuk diabetes, kolesterol tinggi, penyakit inflamasi usus dan lambung bisul.
Nama lain untuk fenugreek
Nama lain untuk fenugreek
Latin: Trigonella foenum-graecum L.; Foenugraeci air mani (untuk benih)
Amharic / Ethiopian:
Abish Italian: Fieno Greco
Cina: Hu-lu-ba,
K'u-Tou Norwegia: Bukkehonrkløver
Belanda: Fenegriek
Pazhitnik grecheskiy,
Jerman: Bockshornsamen (bibit),
Griechisches heu
Ibrani: Hilbeh
Hungaria: Görögszéna
Inggris ke Latin & more from herbnet.com
Fenugreek info from Samex Badan
Fenugreek info from Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages
Gizi profil
Gizi Profile - Fenugreek Seed - Trigonella foenum-graecum (Leguminosae)
dihitung atas dasar kelembaban nol per 100 gm
Aluminium 35 mg Cobalt 0,182 mg Magnesium 121 mg
Ash (total): 3.9% Crude Fiber 8,7% Mangan 0,21 mg
Kalsium 73 mg Dietary Fiber 48,0% Niacin 1,60 mg
0,68 kalori / gram Lemak 6,4% Fosfor 288 mg
Karbohidrat 59,1% Besi 5,6 mg Kalium 102 mg
Kromium 0,04 mg Protein 30.6% Tin 0,42 mg
1,35 mg Tiamin 0,16 mg Selenium Silicon 0.47mg
Riboflavin 0,32 mg Natrium 58,0 mg 38,5 Vitamin A IU
Vitamin C 60,0 mg Seng [trace mg]
Zat gizi untuk diperhatikan:
Gula 13% (glukosa, arabinosa, galaktosa)
Pati 15%
1. [Bingel 1991] Bingel AS, Farnsworth NR. Tumbuhan tingkat tinggi sebagai sumber potensial galactagogues, di Wagner H, Farnsworth NR, eds. Ekonomi dan Obat Plant Research, Volume 6, Academic Press Ltd, New York, 1994: 1-54.
2. [Comme] Fenugreek Seed excerpted from Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council, 2000.
3. [Brinker 1998] Brinker F. Herb Kontradiksi dan Interaksi Obat. Sandy, OR: Eclectic Medical Publications, 1998, 70-1. Kutipan.
4. [Dehlvi] Trigonella foenum-graecum (Methi) dari DehlviRemedies.com
5. [Dugue 1993] Dugue P, Bel J, M. Fenugreek Figueredo menyebabkan jenis pekerjaan baru asma. Presse Med 1993 Mei 29; 22 (19): 922.
6. [Hale 2002] Hale T. Medications and Mothers 'Milk, 10th Edition. Pharmasoft Medical Publishing, 2002, p.277-279.
7. [Heller] Heller L. Fenugreek: A Noteworthy hipoglikemik
8. [Huggins] Huggins KE. Fenugreek: One Remedy for Low Milk Production.
9. [IntelliHealth] Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) dari IntelliHealth.com
10. [Korman 2001] Korman SH, Cohen E, Preminger A. Pseudo-penyakit urin sirup maple karena kehamilan ibu menelan fenugreek. J Paediatr Child Health 2001 Aug; 37 (4) :403-4.
11. [Lawrence 1999] Lawrence RA. Menyusui: Sebuah Panduan untuk Profesi Kedokteran, 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby, 1999, hal 376.
12. [Madar 1987] Madar Z, Thorne R. Dietary fiber. Prog Food Nutr Sci 1987; 11 (2) :153-74.
13. [McGuffin 1997] McGuffin M., Hobbs C, Upton R, Goldberg A. American Herbal Product Association's Botanical Safety Handbook. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997.
14. [Mho] Fenugreek from Medicinal Herbs Online
15. [Motherlove] Herbal untuk Hindari Sementara Hamil dari Motherlove Herbal
16. [Ody 1999] Ody P. Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy dari Herbal untuk Kehamilan Sehat. Los Angeles, Calif: Keats; 1999.
17. [Ohnuma 1998] Ohnuma N, Yamaguchi E, Kawakami Y. Anafilaksis ke bubuk kari. Allergy 1998 Apr; 53 (4) :452-4.
18. [Patil 1997] Patil SP, Niphadkar PV, Bapat MM. Alergi terhadap fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum). Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997 Mar; 78 (3) :297-300.
19. [Rice] Rice LA. Fenugreek, in Herbal Suplemen di Kehamilan
20. [Richmond] Fenugreek by Della Richmond
21. [Swafford 2000] Swafford S, Berens B. Effect of fenugreek pada produksi ASI. ABM News and Views 2000; 6 (3): Pertemuan Tahunan abstrak September 11-13, 2000
Background: Fenugreek adalah tanaman yang populer digunakan dalam populasi awam sebagai olah galactogogue penelitian ilmiah mengenai keampuhan belum dipublikasikan.
Tujuan: Untuk menilai efek fenugreek pada produksi ASI eksklusif memompa payudara wanita.
Metode: Sepuluh wanita tetap harian mereka produksi ASI selama dua minggu. Minggu pertama didirikan awal produksi susu. Selama minggu kedua tiga kapsul fenugreek benih diambil tiga kali sehari. Penelitian pengamatan ini digunakan setiap pasien sebagai kontrol sendiri dalam membandingkan produksi ASI dengan dan tanpa fenugreek.
Hasil: Rata-rata harian volume pompa untuk minggu 1 dan week 2 dibandingkan. Nilai-nilai ini dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon peringkat ditandatangani. Susu harian rata-rata volume minggu 1 adalah 207 ml dibandingkan dengan 464 untuk seminggu 2. Peningkatan ini secara statistik signifikan (P = 0,004)
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan fenugreek meningkat secara signifikan volume ASI yang diproduksi. Studi lebih lanjut rempah dan efeknya terhadap payudara menyusui tentu diperlukan. Penggunaan fenugreek untuk meningkatkan laktasi dapat menawarkan bantuan untuk wanita dengan pasokan mencukupi.
22. [Turner] Turner M. Galactagogues: Getting More Milk with Herbs
23. [Wichtl 1994] Wichtl M dan NG Bisset (ed.). 1994. Foenugraeci semen - Fenugreek seed, Trigonella, di Herbal Obat dan Phyto-farmasi. (Terjemahan bahasa Inggris oleh Norman Grainger Bisset). CRC Press, Stuttgart, hal. 203-205.
24. [White] Meningkatkan Milk Supply by Cheryl Taylor White
25. [Willard 1991] Willard, T. The Wild Rose Scientific Herbal. Calgary, Alberta: Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, Ltd 1991:123,62,173.
Informasi tambahan
Fenugreek dan Menyusui
* Fenugreek Survey dari BreastfeedingOnline
* Fenugreek FAQ dari BreastfeedingOnline
* "Fenugreek - diabaikan tetapi tidak Lupa" by Rima Jensen, MD
* "Fenugreek: One Remedy for Low Milk Production" by Kathleen E. Huggins, RN, MS
* All About Fenugreek dari Breastfeeding.com
* Fenugreek, An Herb to Increase Milk Supply dari Medela.com
* Galactagogues: Getting More Milk with Herbs oleh Mechell Turner, M.Ed., IBCLC, CCE, certified herbal
* Meningkatkan Milk Supply by Cheryl Taylor White
* Fenugreek by Della Richmond
* Sastra review adas, fenugreek, diberkati thistle, jelatang dan daun raspberry oleh Rachel Emma Westfall
* Nice F, Coghlan RJ, Birmingham BT. Herbal dan Menyusui. U. S. Pharmacist: September 2000, Vol. 25:9
* Gabay MP. Galactogogues: obat yang menginduksi laktasi. J Hum Lact 2002 Aug; 18 (3) :274-9.
* Motherlove Herbal Perusahaan merupakan salah satu sumber benih fenugreek tingtur.
Informasi umum
* Fenugreek Seed: from Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A, et al. (eds) The Complete Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. Boston, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications, 1998, hal 130.
* Fenugreek Seed disarikan dari Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council, 2000.
* Fenugreek from Medicinal Herbs Online
* Fenugreek dari NaturalHealthNotebook.com
* Fenugreek from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
* Fenugreek Seed dari FloraHealth.com
* Fenugreek dari HerbMed
* Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) dari IntelliHealth.com
* Fenugreek info from Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages
* Fenugreek from WebMD
* Fenugreek dari MotherNature.com (HealthNotes informasi)
* Fenugreek info from Samex Agency, impor / ekspor bisnis
* Pendukung of Trigonella foenum-graecum (Leguminosae) "Fenugreek" dari Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
* Fenugreek: A Noteworthy hipoglikemik oleh Lyra Heller, MA
* Fenugreek dari DiabetesInControl.com
* Gupta A, Gupta R, Lal B. Effect of Trigonells foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) Seeds on Glycaemic Control and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study. JAPI. 2001; 49. 1057-1061.
* Sharma RD, Raghuram TC, Rao NS. Efek biji fenugreek glukosa darah dan serum lipid dalam tipe I diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr 1990 Apr; 44 (4) :301-6.
* Bordia A, Verma SK, Srivastava KC. Efek jahe dan fenugreek pada lemak darah, gula darah dan agregasi trombosit pada pasien dengan penyakit arteri koroner. Prostaglandin Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1997 May; 56 (5) :379-84.
* Studies on fenugreek dan diabetes
* Studies on fenugreek dan kolesterol tinggi
* Langmead L, Dawson C, Hawkins C, Banna N, Loo S, Rampton DS. Efek antioksidan terapi herbal yang digunakan oleh pasien dengan penyakit inflamasi usus: suatu studi in vitro. Aliment Pharmacol Ther Februari 2002; 16 (2) :197-205.
* Pandian RS, Anuradha CV, Viswanathan P. Gastroprotective efek dari biji fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) pada ulkus gaster eksperimental pada tikus. J Ethnopharmacol 2002 Aug; 81 (3) :393-7.
Gunakan tradisional
* Fenugreek dari Makanan yang Sembuhkanlah oleh H. K. Bakhru
* Methika (Fenugreek) from Ayurveda Authentica
* Fenugreek (Uluhal) memurnikan darah menstruasi pada wanita oleh Namini Wijedasa
* Tanaman obat yang digunakan untuk kesuburan wanita dan galactopoiesis dalam obat tradisional di Yordania oleh MH Al-Hamood (abstrak ke-8 yang tercantum)
* Indian Plants in Medicine dari IndiaProfile.com
* Ayurveda dan rempah-rempah
* Pembesaran Payudara Herbal - Sebuah Pengantar membahas fenugreek
* Makanan Tradisional Ethiopia dari Dataran Tinggi Tengah (laporan penelitian No.7) oleh Ruth Selinus
* Saltah, Sangat Khusus Yaman Dish dari YemenTimes.com
* Helba (fenugreek) dari EthnoMedical DataBase
* Beauty Secrets of Ancient Egypt by Judith Illes
* Aromatik rempah-rempah dari Afrika Utara dan Timur digunakan dalam obat tradisional oleh R. Yohannes
* Bidan dan Maternity Care di Dunia Romawi oleh Valerie Perancis
Informasi Bersejarah
* Foenumgræcum. Bockßhorn. from Fuchs Botanical by Leonhard Fuchs, 1545.
* Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Color plate from Köhler's Medicinal-Plants, 1887.
* Foenum Graecum.-Fenugreek. dari King's American Dispensatory oleh Harvey Wickes Felter, MD, dan John Uri Lloyd, PHR. M., Ph D., 1898.
* Foenum-Graeci Semina. Foenugreek Benih. dari The British Pharmaceutical Codex. Diterbitkan oleh arah Dewan Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1911.
* Foenum graecum. - Fenugreek. dari A Manual of Organic Materia Medica dan Pharmacognosy oleh Lucius E. Sayre, BS Ph M., 1917. Gambar. PDF File [p. 15-16]
* PDF Trigonella - Fenugreek [p. 11 dari PDF file] from A Manual of Materia Medica dan Farmakologi, oleh David MR Culbreth, Ph.G., MD (7th edition, 1927)
* PDF Fenugreek-Trigonella foenum graecum [hal 32-33 of PDF file] from Illustrated Phytotherapy oleh Thomas Deschauer, D. Sc, ND, DC, 1945.
Fenugreek Seed for Increasing Milk Supply
By Kelly Bonyata, IBCLC
| |
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) appears to be the herb that is most often used to increase milk supply. It is an excellent galactagogue, and has been used as such for centuries. In one study of ten women, "the use of fenugreek significantly increased volume of breastmilk" [Swafford 2000].
Mothers generally notice an increase in production 24-72 hours after starting the herb, but it can take two weeks for others to see a change.
Dosages of less than 6 capsules/day (approx 3500 mg/day) produce no effect in many women. One way to determine if you're taking the correct dosage is to slowly increase the amount of fenugreek until your sweat and urine begin to smell like maple syrup. If you're having problems with any side effects, discontinue use and consider alternative methods of increasing milk supply.
Fenugreek can be used either short-term to boost milk supply or long-term to augment supply and/or pumping yields. There are no studies indicating problems with long-term usage. Per Kathleen Huggins "Most mothers have found that the herb can be discontinued once milk production is stimulated to an appropriate level. Adequate production is usually maintained as long as sufficient breast stimulation and emptying continues" [Huggins].
capsules (580-610 mg) |
capsules (500 mg) |
powder or seeds |
tincture | 1-2 mL, 3 times per day (or see package directions) |
tea | one cup of tea, 2-3 times per day |
Fenugreek is used to flavor artificial maple syrup, and is used as a common food ingredient (curries, chutneys, etc.) and traditional medicine in many parts of the world, including India, Greece, China, north Africa and the Middle East. It is a basic ingredient of curry powder (often used in Indian cooking) and the Five Spice mixtures (used in Asian cooking). It is also eaten as a salad and sprouted.
Fenugreek is considered safe for nursing moms when used in moderation and is on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe). As with most medications and herbs, various side effects have been noted; see the side effects and safety information below.
Per Hale [Hale 2002], "The transfer of fenugreek into milk is unknown, but untoward effects have not been reported." Hale classifies it in Lactation Risk Category L3 (moderately safe).
- Sweat and urine smells like maple syrup; milk and/or breastfed baby may smell like maple syrup.
- Occasionally causes loose stools, which go away when fenugreek is discontinued.
- Use of more than 100 grams of fenugreek seeds daily can cause intestinal distress and nausea (recommended dose is less than 8 grams per day).
- Repeated external applications can result in undesirable skin reactions [Wichtl 1994].
- Ingestion of fenugreek seeds or tea in infants or late-term pregnant women can lead to false diagnosis of maple syrup urine disease in the infant due to presence of sotolone in the urine. See [Korman 2001] and other studies on fenugreek and maple syrup urine smell.
Use with caution or avoid if you have a history of:
- Peanut or chickpea allergy: Fenugreek is in the same family with peanuts and chickpeas, and may cause an allergic reaction in moms who are allergic to these things. Two cases of fenugreek allergy have been reported in the literature. [Patil 1997, Ohnuma 1998, Lawrence 1999]
- Diabetes or hypoglycemia: Fenugreek reduces blood glucose levels, and in the few studies using it as a hypoglycemic, also reduces blood cholesterol. Dosages higher than the recommended one (given above) may result in hypoglycemia in some mothers [Heller]. If you're diabetic (IDDM), use fenugreek only if you have good control of your blood glucose levels. While taking this, closely monitor your fasting levels and post-prandial (after meals) levels. Mothers with hypoglycemia should also use fenugreek with caution. For more on fenugreek and glucose levels, see the references below.
- Asthma: Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for asthma. However, inhalation of the powder can cause asthma and allergic symptoms. Some mothers have reported that it worsened their asthma symptoms. [Dugue 1993, Huggins, Lawrence 1999].
- Abnormal menstrual cycles: Fenugreek is considered to be an emmenagogue (promotes menstrual flow). Per [White], it may cause breakthrough menstrual bleeding; this source recommends using fenugreek with caution if you have a history of abnormal menstrual cycles.
- Migraines: Fenugreek is often cited as a natural remedy for migraines. However, [White] indicates that it may trigger a migraine and/or contribute to the duration and severity of a migraine.
- Blood pressure problems or heart disease: Fenugreek is commonly reported to lower blood pressure and LDL blood cholesterol levels. [White] indicates, however, that it may cause or contribute to hypertension (high blood pressure) - this source recommends avoiding this herb if you have a history of hypertension, or if there is a strong family history of hypertension or heart disease.
- Oral drugs or herbs taken at the same time as fenugreek may have delayed absorption due to the mucilage content of fenugreek. [Wichtl 1994]
- Glipizide and other antidiabetic drugs
Fenugreek reduces blood glucose levels and may enhance the effects of these drugs. - Insulin
Fenugreek reduces blood glucose levels, so insulin dosage may need to be adjusted. - Heparin, Warfarin and other anticoagulants
Ticlopidine and other platelet inhibitors
The fenugreek plant contains several coumarin compounds. Although studies have not shown any problems, it potentially could cause bleeding if combined with these types of drugs. - MAOIs
Fenugreek contains amine and has the potential to augment the effect of these drugs.
Drug Interaction References:
[Wichtl 1994]
Fenugreek drug interactions from Healthnotes
Fenugreek drug interactions from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Medicinal doses of fenugreek, not the amounts used in curries, are considered a uterine stimulant. Fenugreek has been used to aid and induce labor [Dehlvi, Bingel 1991, IntelliHealth] and is considered to be an emmenagogue [Turner]. For this reason, fenugreek use is not recommended during pregnancy (particularly late pregnancy).
- Fenugreek is used as a morning sickness remedy in Chinese medicine. [Richmond]
- "Use only in moderation during pregnancy. A uterine stimulant in high doses, but quite safe as a culinary herb or during labour." [Ody 1999]
- Motherlove Herbal lists fenugreek as a cleansing herb which is "too strong or irritating" to be used during pregnancy. [Motherlove]
- One study effectively used fenugreek as a source of fiber to control blood glucose and lipid levels of pregnant diabetic women. [Madar 1987]
- "A stimulant effect on the isolated uterus (guinea pig) has been reported and its use in late pregnancy may not be advisable." [Hale 2002]
- "Water and alcohol extracts of fenugreek are oxytocic. They stimulate contraction of uterine smooth muscles during the last period of pregnancy according to studies on isolated guinea pig uterus tissue." [Willard 1991]
- "Fenugreek exerts an oxytocic effect in guinea pigs. Its use in humans has not been sufficiently studied, but could potentially lead to SAB or preterm labor and prematurity secondary to its oxytocic effects. Its use in pregnancy is not recommended." [Rice]
- Not recommended during pregnancy. [CommE, Brinker 1998, McGuffin 1997, MHO]
Most of the time, baby is unaffected by mom's use of fenugreek (except that more milk is usually available). Sometimes baby will smell like maple syrup, too (just like mom). However, some moms have noticed that baby is fussy and/or has green, watery stools when mom is taking fenugreek and the symptoms go away when mom discontinues the fenugreek.
Fenugreek can cause GI symptoms in mom (upset stomach, diarrhea), so it's possible for it to cause GI symptoms in baby too. Also anyone can have an allergic reaction to any herb, and fenugreek allergy, though rare, has been documented.
Another reason for these types of symptoms --and perhaps more likely than a reaction to the herb-- may be that mom's supply has increased due to the fenugreek and the symptoms are those of oversupply, where baby is getting too much foremilk. Fussiness, gas and green watery stools are classic symptoms of an overabundant milk supply.
Some things to try:
- Try a different herb. This should help if baby is reacting to the fenugreek in mom's milk.
- Stop the fenugreek (without switching to another herb). If you are taking fenugreek for low supply, and are having problems with oversupply when taking this herb, it may be questionable whether you needed to increase supply in the first place.
If you are deliberately trying to maintain an oversupply (such as when you're pumping part/all of the time rather than nursing directly), then you might also try the following things: - Cut back on the fenugreek dosage to see if baby's symptoms disappear.
- Take measures to remedy the oversupply (help baby get more hindmilk) by doing things such as keeping baby to only one breast for up to 2-3 hours.
The main question in this instance, however, is whether the fenugreek is needed at all. Many moms feel that their supply is low when it really isn't. See Increasing Low Milk Supply for more information.
Fenugreek seed capsules, tinctures and teas can be purchased in many health food stores and online. You can also buy empty gelatin capsules and bulk fenugreek seed powder to make your own capsules.
Fenugreek tea is a weak form of the herb. For the tea: use a teaspoon of whole fenugreek seeds. Steep in boiling water for 15 minutes or so and drink three or more times a day.
Fenugreek sprouts are another way to eat fenugreek. Fenugreek seeds can be obtained in the bulk food section of some health food stores, or you may be able to find them at a store that specializes in Indian or other eastern foods. Soak 1-2 teaspoons of the seeds in water overnight. Pour that water off the next day (or drink it - it's fenugreek tea) and rinse seeds with clear water. Place the seeds into a sprouter (this can be as simple as a small, clear plastic clamshell carry-out container), and place on a windowsill or table with the lid slightly ajar. Rinse with water daily. The seeds will sprout in around five days.
Fenugreek seeds for mastitis or engorgement: Steep several ounces of seeds in a cup or so of water. Let seeds cool, then mash them. Place on a clean cloth, warm, and use as a poultice or plaster on engorged or mastitic breasts to help with let-down and sore spots.
More directions and recipes for using fenugreek can be found in the article Fenugreek by Della Richmond.
Fenugreek has been used traditionally to treat diabetes, coughs, congestion, bronchitis, fever, high blood pressure, headaches/migraines, diarrhea, flatulence, anaemia, irregular menstrual cycles and arthritis, to ease labor pains and menstruation pain, and as an appetite stimulant. Fenugreek has also been used as an external poultice to control inflammation and dandruff.
There is current research being done on using fenugreek for diabetes, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease and gastric ulcers.
Other names for fenugreek | |||
Latin: | Trigonella foenum-graecum L.; Foenugraeci semen (for the seed) | ||
Amharic/Ethiopian: | Abish | Italian: | Fieno Greco |
Arabic: | Hulba, Hilbeh | Japanese: | Koroha |
Chinese: | Hu-lu-ba, Hu-lu-pa, K'u-Tou | Norwegian: | Bukkehonrkløver |
Dutch: | Fenegriek | Portuguese: | Alforva, Feno-grego |
Farsi: | Sambelilé | Russian: | Pazhitnik, Pazhitnik grecheskiy, Sambala |
Finnish: | Sarviapila | Sanskrit: | Methi, Methika, Peetbeeja |
French: | Fenugrec, Sénegré, Trigonelle | Spanish: | Alholva, Fenogreco |
German: | Bockshornsamen (seed), Bockshorklee, Griechisches Heu | Swahili: | Uwatu |
Hebrew: | Hilbeh | Swedish: | Bockshornklee Bockhornsklöver |
Hungarian: | Görögszéna | Turkish: | Çemen |
References: English to Latin & more from herbnet.com Fenugreek info from Samex Agency Fenugreek info from Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages |
Nutritional Profile -- Fenugreek Seed -- Trigonella foenum-graecum (Leguminosae) calculated on a zero moisture basis per 100 gm | |||||
Aluminum | 35 mg | Cobalt | 0.182 mg | Magnesium | 121 mg |
Ash(total) | 3.9 % | Crude Fiber | 8.7 % | Manganese | 0.21 mg |
Calcium | 73 mg | Dietary Fiber | 48.0 % | Niacin | 1.60 mg |
Calories | 0.68 /gm | Fat | 6.4 % | Phosphorus | 288 mg |
Carbohydrates | 59.1 % | Iron | 5.6 mg | Potassium | 102 mg |
Chromium | 0.04 mg | Protein | 30.6 % | Tin | 0.42 mg |
Thiamine | 1.35 mg | Selenium | 0.16 mg | Silicon | 0.47mg |
Riboflavin | 0.32 mg | Sodium | 58.0 mg | Vitamin A | 38.5 IU |
Vitamin C | 60.0 mg | Zinc | [trace mg] | ||
Nutrients of note: | |||||
Sugars | 13 % | (glucose, arabinose, galactose) | |||
Starch | 15 % |
- [Bingel 1991] Bingel AS, Farnsworth NR. Higher plants as potential sources of galactagogues, in Wagner H, Farnsworth NR, eds. Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Volume 6, Academic Press Ltd, New York, 1994: 1-54.
- [CommE] Fenugreek Seed excerpted from Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council, 2000.
- [Brinker 1998] Brinker F. Herb Contradictions and Drug Interactions. Sandy, OR: Eclectic Medical Publications, 1998, 70–1. Excerpt.
- [Dehlvi] Trigonella foenum-graecum (Methi) from DehlviRemedies.com
- [Dugue 1993] Dugue P, Bel J, Figueredo M. Fenugreek causing a new type of occupational asthma. Presse Med 1993 May 29;22(19):922.
- [Hale 2002] Hale T. Medications and Mothers' Milk, 10th Edition. Pharmasoft Medical Publishing, 2002, p.277-279.
- [Heller] Heller L. Fenugreek: A Noteworthy Hypoglycemic
- [Huggins] Huggins KE. Fenugreek: One Remedy for Low Milk Production.
- [IntelliHealth] Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) from IntelliHealth.com
- [Korman 2001] Korman SH, Cohen E, Preminger A. Pseudo-maple syrup urine disease due to maternal prenatal ingestion of fenugreek. J Paediatr Child Health 2001 Aug;37(4):403-4.
- [Lawrence 1999] Lawrence RA. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1999, p. 376.
- [Madar 1987] Madar Z, Thorne R. Dietary fiber. Prog Food Nutr Sci 1987;11(2):153-74.
- [McGuffin 1997] McGuffin M., Hobbs C, Upton R, Goldberg A. American Herbal Product Association's Botanical Safety Handbook. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997.
- [MHO] Fenugreek from Medicinal Herbs Online
- [Motherlove] Herbs to Avoid While Pregnant from Motherlove Herbal
- [Ody 1999] Ody P. Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy from Herbs for a Healthy Pregnancy. Los Angeles, Calif: Keats; 1999.
- [Ohnuma 1998] Ohnuma N, Yamaguchi E, Kawakami Y. Anaphylaxis to curry powder. Allergy 1998 Apr;53(4):452-4.
- [Patil 1997] Patil SP, Niphadkar PV, Bapat MM. Allergy to fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum). Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997 Mar;78(3):297-300.
- [Rice] Rice LA. Fenugreek, in Herbal Supplements in Pregnancy
- [Richmond] Fenugreek by Della Richmond
- [Swafford 2000] Swafford S, Berens B. Effect of fenugreek on breast milk production. ABM News and Views 2000;6(3): Annual meeting abstracts Sept 11-13, 2000
Background: Fenugreek is a popular herb used in the lay population as a galactogogue though scientific research regarding efficacy has not been published.
Objective: To assess the effect of fenugreek on breast milk production in exclusively breast-pumping women.
Methods: Ten women kept diaries of their breast milk production for two weeks. The first week established baseline milk production. During the second week three capsules of fenugreek seed were taken three times daily. This observational study used each patient as her own control in comparing breast milk production with and without the fenugreek.
Results: Average daily pump volumes for week 1 and week 2 were compared. These values were statistically analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The average daily milk volume for week 1 was 207 ml compared to 464 for week 2. This increase was statistically significant (P=0.004)
Conclusion: The use of fenugreek significantly increased volume of breastmilk produced. Further study of the herb and its effects on the lactating breast is certainly warranted. The use of fenugreek to improve lactation could offer help to women with insufficient supply.
- [Turner] Turner M. Galactagogues: Getting More Milk with Herbs
- [Wichtl 1994] Wichtl M and NG Bisset (eds). 1994. Foenugraeci semen – Fenugreek seed, Trigonella, in Herbal Drugs and Phyto-pharmaceuticals. (English translation by Norman Grainger Bisset). CRC Press, Stuttgart, pp. 203-205.
- [White] Increasing Milk Supply by Cheryl Taylor White
- [Willard 1991] Willard, T. The Wild Rose Scientific Herbal. Calgary, Alberta: Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, Ltd. 1991:123,62,173.
Fenugreek and Breastfeeding
- Fenugreek Survey from BreastfeedingOnline
- Fenugreek FAQ from BreastfeedingOnline
- "Fenugreek - Overlooked but not Forgotten" by Rima Jensen, MD
- "Fenugreek: One Remedy for Low Milk Production" by Kathleen E. Huggins, RN, MS
- All About Fenugreek from Breastfeeding.com
- Fenugreek, An Herb to Increase Milk Supply from Medela.com
- Galactagogues: Getting More Milk with Herbs by Mechell Turner, M.Ed., IBCLC, CCE, certified herbalist
- Increasing Milk Supply by Cheryl Taylor White
- Fenugreek by Della Richmond
- Literature review of fennel, fenugreek, blessed thistle, nettle and raspberry leaf by Rachel Emma Westfall
- Nice F, Coghlan RJ, Birmingham BT. Herbals and Breastfeeding. U.S. Pharmacist: September 2000, Vol. 25:9
- Gabay MP. Galactogogues: medications that induce lactation. J Hum Lact 2002 Aug;18(3):274-9.
- Motherlove Herbal Company is one source for fenugreek seed tincture.
General information
- Fenugreek Seed: from Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A, et al. (eds) The Complete Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. Boston, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications, 1998, p. 130.
- Fenugreek Seed excerpted from Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council, 2000.
- Fenugreek from Medicinal Herbs Online
- Fenugreek from NaturalHealthNotebook.com
- Fenugreek from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Fenugreek Seed from FloraHealth.com
- Fenugreek from HerbMed
- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) from IntelliHealth.com
- Fenugreek info from Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages
- Fenugreek from WebMD
- Fenugreek from MotherNature.com (HealthNotes information)
- Fenugreek info from Samex Agency, an import/export business
- Constituents of Trigonella foenum-graecum (Leguminosae) "Fenugreek" from Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
- Fenugreek: A Noteworthy Hypoglycemic by Lyra Heller, MA
- Fenugreek from DiabetesInControl.com
- Gupta A, Gupta R, Lal B. Effect of Trigonells foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) Seeds on Glycaemic Control and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study. JAPI. 2001; 49. 1057-1061.
- Sharma RD, Raghuram TC, Rao NS. Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids in type I diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr 1990 Apr;44(4):301-6.
- Bordia A, Verma SK, Srivastava KC. Effect of ginger and fenugreek on blood lipids, blood sugar and platelet aggregation in patients with coronary artery disease. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1997 May;56(5):379-84.
- Studies on fenugreek and diabetes
- Studies on fenugreek and high cholesterol
- Langmead L, Dawson C, Hawkins C, Banna N, Loo S, Rampton DS. Antioxidant effects of herbal therapies used by patients with inflammatory bowel disease: an in vitro study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2002 Feb;16(2):197-205.
- Pandian RS, Anuradha CV, Viswanathan P. Gastroprotective effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on experimental gastric ulcer in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 2002 Aug;81(3):393-7.
Traditional Use
- Fenugreek from Foods That Heal by H.K.Bakhru
- Methika (Fenugreek) from Ayurveda Authentica
- Fenugreek (Uluhal) purifies menstrual blood in women by Namini Wijedasa
- Medicinal plants used for female fertility and galactopoiesis in traditional medicine in Jordan by M.H. Al-Hamood (the 8th abstract listed)
- Indian Plants in Medicine from IndiaProfile.com
- Ayurveda and herbs
- Breast Enlarging Herbs - An Introduction discusses fenugreek
- The Traditional Foods of the Central Ethiopian Highlands (research report no.7) by Ruth Selinus
- Saltah, Very Special Yemeni Dish from YemenTimes.com
- Helba (fenugreek) from the EthnoMedical DataBase
- Beauty Secrets of Ancient Egypt by Judith Illes
- Aromatic spices from North and East Africa used in traditional medicine by R. Yohannes
- Midwives and Maternity Care in the Roman World by Valerie French
Historic information
- Foenumgræcum. Bockßhorn. from Fuchs Botanical by Leonhard Fuchs, 1545.
- Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Color plate from Köhler's Medicinal-Plants, 1887.
- Foenum Graecum.—Fenugreek. from King's American Dispensatory by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D., 1898.
- Foenum-Graeci Semina. Foenugreek Seeds. from The British Pharmaceutical Codex. Published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1911.
- Foenum graecum. - Fenugreek. from A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M., 1917. Figure. PDF File [p. 15-16]
Trigonella - Fenugreek [p. 11 of PDF file] from A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology, by David M.R. Culbreth, Ph.G., M.D. (7th edition, 1927)
Fenugreek—Trigonella Foenum Graecum [p. 32-33 of PDF file] from Illustrated Phytotherapy by Thomas Deschauer, D.Sc, N.D., D.C, 1945.
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