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Senin, 18 April 2011
fenugreek Natural Aphrodisiacs
Fenugreek telah diakui sebagai tanaman obat selama berabad-abad. Orang Mesir, Yunani dan Romawi menggunakan benih aromatik ekstensif. Itu adalah stabil termasuk dalam diet wanita Harem untuk meningkatkan ukuran dan bulatan payudara mereka, dan saat ini sedang dipromosikan di beberapa herbal 'bust meningkatkan' produk. 16 Studi mendukung praktek bidan modern, karena mereka melanjutkan tradisi kuno fenugreek merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan suplai susu ibu menyusui. 17, 18 herbalists Tradisional Cina digunakan fenugreek untuk masalah reproduksi laki-laki dan masalah ginjal. 19 Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa dalam pengobatan Cina ginjal dianggap sebagai daerah di mana energi seksual disimpan. Fenugreek menurunkan gula darah, 20, 21 mungkin dengan meningkatkan sensitivitas jaringan insulin. 22 Kombinasi yang kaya nutrisi di Fenugreek termasuk diosgenin saponin steroid, 23 kolin, trimetilamina (hormon seks di katak), Vitamin A, B 2, B 6, B 12, D, dan minyak esensial. Diosgenin adalah pendahulu penting untuk sintesis dari sejumlah hormon seks, dan juga pameran estrogenik effects.24 Senyawa aromatik di biji fenugreek memiliki sirup-mapel seperti bau, yang freshens nafas, sebuah keuntungan tambahan dalam pertemuan seksual. Dosis fenugreek dalam teh adalah 1 tsp. biji dalam 1 cangkir air panas, direndam selama lima menit, 1-3 cangkir / hari. Dalam tingtur cair atau ekstrak, dosisnya adalah 10-15 tetes dua kali per hari, atau satu kapsul 500 mg dua kali per hari. Meskipun tidak ada efek samping diketahui, jika terlalu banyak digunakan saat menyusui, air seni ibu dan anak mungkin mulai memiliki bau sirup maple, dan berpotensi menimbulkan misdiagnosis berisi 'penyakit kencing sirup maple.' Fenugreek kumarin seperti zat, dan harus digunakan dengan hati-hati bersama dengan heparin, warfarin dan anti-coagulants.25 Karena gula darah menurunkan efek, menggunakan fenugreek mungkin memerlukan penyesuaian dosis dengan Glipizide dan insulin.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
'Ginseng' Nama mengacu pada beberapa jenis tumbuhan. Dua yang paling umum adalah Ginseng Cina atau Korea Panax Ginseng-menelepon dan Panax Ginseng quinquefolius-Amerika. ginseng Cina dan Korea sebenarnya merupakan jenis tumbuhan yang sama, tetapi berbeda dalam penyusunan akar. ginseng Korea dimasak, yang mengubah akar merah tua. Hal ini dianggap 'ginseng panas' dan merupakan bentuk yang paling merangsang. "Panax" berasal dari disebabkan 'obat mujarab' kata Yunani ke berbagai efek penyembuhan dikaitkan dengan akar ini. Ginseng menganugerahkan suatu semangat muda untuk laki-laki dan perempuan sama. Akar berbentuk manusia disebut "manusia dengan paha menyebar terpisah 'oleh penduduk asli Amerika. Penggunaan kuno ginseng sebagai stimulan seksual yang berkolaborasi dengan studi baru-baru ini. The jJournal laporan Urologi bahwa "Mean Internasional Indeks skor Ereksi Fungsi secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada pasien yang diobati dengan ginseng merah Korea dibandingkan pada mereka yang menerima plasebo." 26 Sementara konsumsi ginseng tampaknya tidak memiliki efek langsung pada tingkat testosteron, 27 lainnya mungkin mekanisme tindakan termasuk komponen farmakologi aktif, ginsenoside-Rb1, yang meningkatkan sekresi luteinizing hormone (LH) dengan bertindak langsung pada kelenjar hipofisis anterior. 28 reseptor LH memainkan peran penting dalam kedua kesuburan pria dan perempuan, dan dalam perkembangan seksual laki-laki. 29 Selain itu, oksida nitrat mungkin terlibat dalam mekanisme kerja ginsenosides pada kedua sistem saraf pusat dan jaringan gonad, yang menyebabkan peningkatan kinerja copulatory dan libido dalam studi hewan. 30 Secara keseluruhan, ada dukungan anekdotal dan ilmiah berlimpah untuk penggunaan ginseng sebagai penambah seksual. Dosis yang biasa ginseng adalah 500-1000 mg / hari. Perhatian termasuk "Ginseng Lebih Gunakan Syndrome" yang mungkin menghasilkan gejala insomnia, lekas marah, cemas, dan jantung berdebar-debar. Efek ini langka, dan paling sering terlihat pada pria muda yang menggunakan lebih tinggi daripada tingkat yang direkomendasikan ginseng. Ginseng digunakan harus diawasi oleh seorang dokter pada pasien yang menggunakan warfarin, Ticlopidine dan obat pengencer darah lainnya, karena dapat meningkatkan pengenceran darah dampak dari obat-obatan. 31
Fenugreek has been recognized as a medicinal plant for centuries. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used the aromatic seeds extensively. It was a stable included in the diet of Harem woman to increase the size and roundness of their breasts, and is currently being promoted in several herbal ‘bust enhancing’ products. 16 Studies support the practice of modern midwives, as they continue the ancient tradition of recommending fenugreek to improve the milk supply of nursing mothers. 17 ,18 Traditional Chinese herbalists used fenugreek for male reproductive issues and kidney problems. 19 It is interesting to note that in Chinese medicine the kidneys are considered to be the area where sexual energy is stored. Fenugreek lowers blood sugar, 20 ,21 probably by increasing tissue insulin sensitivity. 22 The rich combination of nutrients in Fenugreek include the steroidal saponin diosgenin, 23 choline , trimethylamine (a sex hormone in frogs), Vitamins A, B 2, B 6, B 12, D, and essential oils. Diosgenin is an important precursor for the synthesis of a number of sex hormones, and also exhibits estrogenic effects.24 The aromatic compounds in the fenugreek seeds have a maple-syrup like odor, which freshens the breath; an added advantage in sexual encounters. The dosage of fenugreek in tea is 1 tsp. seed in 1 cup hot water, steeped for five minutes, 1-3 cups/day. In a liquid tincture or extract, the dose is 10-15 drops two times per day, or one 500 mg capsule two times per day. Although no adverse effects are known, if too much is used during nursing, the urine of mother and child may start to have a maple syrup odor, and could potentially lead to a misdiagnosis of ‘maple syrup urine disease.’ Fenugreek contains coumarin-like substances, and should be used with caution along with heparin, warfarin and other anti-coagulants.25 Due to its blood sugar lowering effects, using fenugreek may require a dose adjustment with glipizide and insulin.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
The name ‘ginseng’ refers to several plant species. The two most common are Panax Ginseng- called Chinese or Korean Ginseng and Panax quinquefolius- American Ginseng. Chinese and Korean ginseng are actually the same plant species, but differ in the preparation of the root. Korean ginseng is cooked, which turns the root a deep red. It is considered ‘hot ginseng’ and is the most stimulating form. “Panax” is derived from the Greek word ‘panacea’ due to the wide range of healing effects attributed to this root. Ginseng confers a youthful vigor to men and women alike. The human-shaped root was called ‘man with thighs spread apart’ by Native Americans. The ancient use of ginseng as a sexual stimulant is collaborated by recent studies. The jJournal of Urology reports that the “Mean International Index of Erectile Function scores were significantly higher in patients treated with Korean red ginseng than in those who received placebo.” 26 While ginseng ingestion appears to have no immediate effect on testosterone levels, 27 other possible mechanisms of action include the pharmacologically active component, ginsenoside-Rb1, which increases the secretion of luteinizing hormone(LH) by acting directly on the anterior pituitary gland. 28 The LH receptor plays an important role in both male and female fertility, and in male sexual development. 29 In addition, nitric oxide may be involved in the mechanism of action of ginsenosides on both the central nervous system and gonadal tissues, leading to increased copulatory performance and libido in animal studies. 30 Overall, there is abundant anecdotal and scientific support for the use of ginseng as a sexual enhancer. The usual dose of ginseng is 500-1000 mg/day. Cautions include “Ginseng Over Use Syndrome” which may produce symptoms of insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and heart palpitations. This effect is rare, and most often seen in young men using higher than recommended levels of ginseng. Ginseng use should be monitored by a physician in patients using warfarin, ticlopidine and other blood thinning medications, because it may enhance the blood thinning effects of these medications. 31
fenugreek Natural Aphrodisiacs
Fenugreek telah diakui sebagai tanaman obat selama berabad-abad. Orang Mesir, Yunani dan Romawi menggunakan benih aromatik ekstensif. Itu adalah stabil termasuk dalam diet wanita Harem untuk meningkatkan ukuran dan bulatan payudara mereka, dan saat ini sedang dipromosikan di beberapa herbal 'bust meningkatkan' produk. 16 Studi mendukung praktek bidan modern, karena mereka melanjutkan tradisi kuno fenugreek merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan suplai susu ibu menyusui. 17, 18 herbalists Tradisional Cina digunakan fenugreek untuk masalah reproduksi laki-laki dan masalah ginjal. 19 Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa dalam pengobatan Cina ginjal dianggap sebagai daerah di mana energi seksual disimpan. Fenugreek menurunkan gula darah, 20, 21 mungkin dengan meningkatkan sensitivitas jaringan insulin. 22 Kombinasi yang kaya nutrisi di Fenugreek termasuk diosgenin saponin steroid, 23 kolin, trimetilamina (hormon seks di katak), Vitamin A, B 2, B 6, B 12, D, dan minyak esensial. Diosgenin adalah pendahulu penting untuk sintesis dari sejumlah hormon seks, dan juga pameran estrogenik effects.24 Senyawa aromatik di biji fenugreek memiliki sirup-mapel seperti bau, yang freshens nafas, sebuah keuntungan tambahan dalam pertemuan seksual. Dosis fenugreek dalam teh adalah 1 tsp. biji dalam 1 cangkir air panas, direndam selama lima menit, 1-3 cangkir / hari. Dalam tingtur cair atau ekstrak, dosisnya adalah 10-15 tetes dua kali per hari, atau satu kapsul 500 mg dua kali per hari. Meskipun tidak ada efek samping diketahui, jika terlalu banyak digunakan saat menyusui, air seni ibu dan anak mungkin mulai memiliki bau sirup maple, dan berpotensi menimbulkan misdiagnosis berisi 'penyakit kencing sirup maple.' Fenugreek kumarin seperti zat, dan harus digunakan dengan hati-hati bersama dengan heparin, warfarin dan anti-coagulants.25 Karena gula darah menurunkan efek, menggunakan fenugreek mungkin memerlukan penyesuaian dosis dengan Glipizide dan insulin.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
'Ginseng' Nama mengacu pada beberapa jenis tumbuhan. Dua yang paling umum adalah Ginseng Cina atau Korea Panax Ginseng-menelepon dan Panax Ginseng quinquefolius-Amerika. ginseng Cina dan Korea sebenarnya merupakan jenis tumbuhan yang sama, tetapi berbeda dalam penyusunan akar. ginseng Korea dimasak, yang mengubah akar merah tua. Hal ini dianggap 'ginseng panas' dan merupakan bentuk yang paling merangsang. "Panax" berasal dari disebabkan 'obat mujarab' kata Yunani ke berbagai efek penyembuhan dikaitkan dengan akar ini. Ginseng menganugerahkan suatu semangat muda untuk laki-laki dan perempuan sama. Akar berbentuk manusia disebut "manusia dengan paha menyebar terpisah 'oleh penduduk asli Amerika. Penggunaan kuno ginseng sebagai stimulan seksual yang berkolaborasi dengan studi baru-baru ini. The jJournal laporan Urologi bahwa "Mean Internasional Indeks skor Ereksi Fungsi secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada pasien yang diobati dengan ginseng merah Korea dibandingkan pada mereka yang menerima plasebo." 26 Sementara konsumsi ginseng tampaknya tidak memiliki efek langsung pada tingkat testosteron, 27 lainnya mungkin mekanisme tindakan termasuk komponen farmakologi aktif, ginsenoside-Rb1, yang meningkatkan sekresi luteinizing hormone (LH) dengan bertindak langsung pada kelenjar hipofisis anterior. 28 reseptor LH memainkan peran penting dalam kedua kesuburan pria dan perempuan, dan dalam perkembangan seksual laki-laki. 29 Selain itu, oksida nitrat mungkin terlibat dalam mekanisme kerja ginsenosides pada kedua sistem saraf pusat dan jaringan gonad, yang menyebabkan peningkatan kinerja copulatory dan libido dalam studi hewan. 30 Secara keseluruhan, ada dukungan anekdotal dan ilmiah berlimpah untuk penggunaan ginseng sebagai penambah seksual. Dosis yang biasa ginseng adalah 500-1000 mg / hari. Perhatian termasuk "Ginseng Lebih Gunakan Syndrome" yang mungkin menghasilkan gejala insomnia, lekas marah, cemas, dan jantung berdebar-debar. Efek ini langka, dan paling sering terlihat pada pria muda yang menggunakan lebih tinggi daripada tingkat yang direkomendasikan ginseng. Ginseng digunakan harus diawasi oleh seorang dokter pada pasien yang menggunakan warfarin, Ticlopidine dan obat pengencer darah lainnya, karena dapat meningkatkan pengenceran darah dampak dari obat-obatan. 31
Fenugreek has been recognized as a medicinal plant for centuries. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used the aromatic seeds extensively. It was a stable included in the diet of Harem woman to increase the size and roundness of their breasts, and is currently being promoted in several herbal ‘bust enhancing’ products. 16 Studies support the practice of modern midwives, as they continue the ancient tradition of recommending fenugreek to improve the milk supply of nursing mothers. 17 ,18 Traditional Chinese herbalists used fenugreek for male reproductive issues and kidney problems. 19 It is interesting to note that in Chinese medicine the kidneys are considered to be the area where sexual energy is stored. Fenugreek lowers blood sugar, 20 ,21 probably by increasing tissue insulin sensitivity. 22 The rich combination of nutrients in Fenugreek include the steroidal saponin diosgenin, 23 choline , trimethylamine (a sex hormone in frogs), Vitamins A, B 2, B 6, B 12, D, and essential oils. Diosgenin is an important precursor for the synthesis of a number of sex hormones, and also exhibits estrogenic effects.24 The aromatic compounds in the fenugreek seeds have a maple-syrup like odor, which freshens the breath; an added advantage in sexual encounters. The dosage of fenugreek in tea is 1 tsp. seed in 1 cup hot water, steeped for five minutes, 1-3 cups/day. In a liquid tincture or extract, the dose is 10-15 drops two times per day, or one 500 mg capsule two times per day. Although no adverse effects are known, if too much is used during nursing, the urine of mother and child may start to have a maple syrup odor, and could potentially lead to a misdiagnosis of ‘maple syrup urine disease.’ Fenugreek contains coumarin-like substances, and should be used with caution along with heparin, warfarin and other anti-coagulants.25 Due to its blood sugar lowering effects, using fenugreek may require a dose adjustment with glipizide and insulin.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
The name ‘ginseng’ refers to several plant species. The two most common are Panax Ginseng- called Chinese or Korean Ginseng and Panax quinquefolius- American Ginseng. Chinese and Korean ginseng are actually the same plant species, but differ in the preparation of the root. Korean ginseng is cooked, which turns the root a deep red. It is considered ‘hot ginseng’ and is the most stimulating form. “Panax” is derived from the Greek word ‘panacea’ due to the wide range of healing effects attributed to this root. Ginseng confers a youthful vigor to men and women alike. The human-shaped root was called ‘man with thighs spread apart’ by Native Americans. The ancient use of ginseng as a sexual stimulant is collaborated by recent studies. The jJournal of Urology reports that the “Mean International Index of Erectile Function scores were significantly higher in patients treated with Korean red ginseng than in those who received placebo.” 26 While ginseng ingestion appears to have no immediate effect on testosterone levels, 27 other possible mechanisms of action include the pharmacologically active component, ginsenoside-Rb1, which increases the secretion of luteinizing hormone(LH) by acting directly on the anterior pituitary gland. 28 The LH receptor plays an important role in both male and female fertility, and in male sexual development. 29 In addition, nitric oxide may be involved in the mechanism of action of ginsenosides on both the central nervous system and gonadal tissues, leading to increased copulatory performance and libido in animal studies. 30 Overall, there is abundant anecdotal and scientific support for the use of ginseng as a sexual enhancer. The usual dose of ginseng is 500-1000 mg/day. Cautions include “Ginseng Over Use Syndrome” which may produce symptoms of insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and heart palpitations. This effect is rare, and most often seen in young men using higher than recommended levels of ginseng. Ginseng use should be monitored by a physician in patients using warfarin, ticlopidine and other blood thinning medications, because it may enhance the blood thinning effects of these medications. 31
Fenugreek sangat ampuh untuk atasi ejakulasi dini
Men can use fenugreek to treat loss of libido, painful testicles and premature ejaculation.
It is often useful for weight loss, anorexia and for poor appetite. In Chinese medicine it is used for kidney related pain - such as back ache,painful testicles, hernia, painful menstruation and edema of the legs. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used for rejuvenation and as an aphrodisiac, as well as for digestive and bronchial complaints, gout and arthritis,high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Fenugreek is often used externally for skin inflammations, ulcers, boils, eczema and cellulite.
The anti-viral properties mean it is useful against sore throat and mouth ulcers.
Pria dapat menggunakan fenugreek untuk mengobati kehilangan libido, testismenyakitkan dan ejakulasi dini.
Hal ini sering berguna untuk menurunkan berat badan, anoreksia dan untuk nafsu makan yang buruk. Dalam pengobatan Cina itu digunakan untuk sakit ginjal - sepertisakit pinggang, testis menyakitkan, hernia, nyeri haid dan edema kaki. Dalam pengobatan Ayurvedic itu digunakan untuk peremajaan dan sebagai afrodisiak, sertauntuk pencernaan dan bronkial, keluhan dan arthritis gout, tekanan darah tinggi dankolesterol tinggi.
Fenugreek sering digunakan eksternal untuk kulit, radang borok, eksim bisul, dan selulit.
Sifat anti-virus berarti itu berguna melawan sakit tenggorokan dan bisul mulut.
Fenugreek sangat ampuh untuk atasi ejakulasi dini
Men can use fenugreek to treat loss of libido, painful testicles and premature ejaculation.
It is often useful for weight loss, anorexia and for poor appetite. In Chinese medicine it is used for kidney related pain - such as back ache,painful testicles, hernia, painful menstruation and edema of the legs. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used for rejuvenation and as an aphrodisiac, as well as for digestive and bronchial complaints, gout and arthritis,high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Fenugreek is often used externally for skin inflammations, ulcers, boils, eczema and cellulite.
The anti-viral properties mean it is useful against sore throat and mouth ulcers.
Pria dapat menggunakan fenugreek untuk mengobati kehilangan libido, testismenyakitkan dan ejakulasi dini.
Hal ini sering berguna untuk menurunkan berat badan, anoreksia dan untuk nafsu makan yang buruk. Dalam pengobatan Cina itu digunakan untuk sakit ginjal - sepertisakit pinggang, testis menyakitkan, hernia, nyeri haid dan edema kaki. Dalam pengobatan Ayurvedic itu digunakan untuk peremajaan dan sebagai afrodisiak, sertauntuk pencernaan dan bronkial, keluhan dan arthritis gout, tekanan darah tinggi dankolesterol tinggi.
Fenugreek sering digunakan eksternal untuk kulit, radang borok, eksim bisul, dan selulit.
Sifat anti-virus berarti itu berguna melawan sakit tenggorokan dan bisul mulut.
fenugreek to help with breast enlargement
What is Fenugreek?
Fenugreek belongs to the plant family “Fabaceae”. It is available and used both as a herb (the leaves of the plant) and as spice (the seed). It is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop. It is frequently used in curry and is a very famous Indian leafy vegetable which resembles clover leaves. It has a very light bitter taste (which might require getting used to) and has a spicy taste to it.
Benefits of Fenugreek
The benefits are multitude. The seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which is a compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to :
- help increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS.
- to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion,
- maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency,
- to cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils),
- to treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux.
Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the :
- treatment of reproductive disorders,
- to induce labor,
- to treat hormonal disorders,
- to help with breast enlargement, and
- to reduce menstrual pain.
Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholestrol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.
For those who are yet unfamiliar with the herbal formulations on the market today, fenugreek and fennel seed for are one of the most potent herbal compounds utilized presently to develop natural breast tissue. There are other medicinal plants that are used in breast enhancing pills and creams but fenugreek and fennel seed always seem to be top of the ingredient list. Herbal plants used in bust development are known to naturally cultivate bust tissue in the same way that the human body produces more female hormones to grow this tissue.
It is one of the oldest-known spices available for culinary, medicinal, andcrop purposes. This spice plant is native to Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe. It contains elements known to increased growth in breast tissue.Among the plants (spices and herbs) used in herbal supplements, its seed extracts harbor the greatest amounts of elements essential in natural tissue augmentation.
Fennel seeds are profuse with essential flavonoids, and are typically non-toxic and safe to use. The seed extracts put forth estrogenic results in fair amounts which make it an ideal ingredient in for natural creams and supplements.
The main ingredient in Fenugreek seed extract is the phytoestrogens and isoflavones, it is these two main parts of the Fenugreek seed extract that act on the body and help promote breast tissue growth, resulting in larger breasts, firmer breasts and a fuller looking bust overall and all this without the need of surgery or synthetic pills.
fenugreek to help with breast enlargement
What is Fenugreek?
Fenugreek belongs to the plant family “Fabaceae”. It is available and used both as a herb (the leaves of the plant) and as spice (the seed). It is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop. It is frequently used in curry and is a very famous Indian leafy vegetable which resembles clover leaves. It has a very light bitter taste (which might require getting used to) and has a spicy taste to it.
Benefits of Fenugreek
The benefits are multitude. The seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which is a compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to :
- help increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS.
- to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion,
- maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency,
- to cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils),
- to treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux.
Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the :
- treatment of reproductive disorders,
- to induce labor,
- to treat hormonal disorders,
- to help with breast enlargement, and
- to reduce menstrual pain.
Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholestrol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.
For those who are yet unfamiliar with the herbal formulations on the market today, fenugreek and fennel seed for are one of the most potent herbal compounds utilized presently to develop natural breast tissue. There are other medicinal plants that are used in breast enhancing pills and creams but fenugreek and fennel seed always seem to be top of the ingredient list. Herbal plants used in bust development are known to naturally cultivate bust tissue in the same way that the human body produces more female hormones to grow this tissue.
It is one of the oldest-known spices available for culinary, medicinal, andcrop purposes. This spice plant is native to Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe. It contains elements known to increased growth in breast tissue.Among the plants (spices and herbs) used in herbal supplements, its seed extracts harbor the greatest amounts of elements essential in natural tissue augmentation.
Fennel seeds are profuse with essential flavonoids, and are typically non-toxic and safe to use. The seed extracts put forth estrogenic results in fair amounts which make it an ideal ingredient in for natural creams and supplements.
The main ingredient in Fenugreek seed extract is the phytoestrogens and isoflavones, it is these two main parts of the Fenugreek seed extract that act on the body and help promote breast tissue growth, resulting in larger breasts, firmer breasts and a fuller looking bust overall and all this without the need of surgery or synthetic pills.