Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Fenugreek and Diabetes

All diabetics interested in lowering their blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels should take this herb into consideration in either seed or leaf form. It has also demonstrated some positive benefits for abnormalities associated with diabetic retinopathy. All references and links to the research are at the end of these short summations. This guide is a work in process, but there is plenty of information here to get you started
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds have shown to have hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic effects on type1 & type2 diabetes mellitus patients and experimental diabetic animals. Supplementation of fenugreek leaves lowers the lipid-profile in diabetes mellitus (ref.15). Supplementation with Fenugreek leaves improves body weight and liver glycogen and has a significant effect of carbohydrate metabolism similar to Glibenclamide (ref. 16). Studies (ref 3) indicate that soluble dietary fraction of fenugreek seeds exerts anti-diabetic effects mediated through inhibition of carbohydrate digestion and absorption, and enhancement of peripheral insulin action.
Fenugreek also corrected the alterations in the distribution of skeletal muscle glucose transporter GLU4 (ref 4). The results of study in ref 1 show enrichment of fenugreek extracts, which has implications for diet-based diabetes management.
Fenugreek and Sodium orthovandate alone or in low dose combination have been shown to effectively control ocular histopathological and biochemical abnormalities associated with diabetic retinopathy (ref 5). Low doses of Vandate and Trigonella in combination was effective in normalization of altered membrane linked functions and GLU4 distribution without any side effects (ref.6,7).
Another study concludes that 2g of a powdered mixture of 3 medicinal plants (bitter gourd, jamun seeds and fenugreek) in raw or cooked form can be successfully used n lowering blood glucose in diabetes (ref.8)
Research suggests that low doses of Na3VO4 in combination with Trigonella seed powder are an efficient antidiabetic agent to control long-term complications of diabetes in tissues such as peripheral nerves (ref. 9).
Fenugreek leaf powder reduces oxidative stress in experimental diabetes. Fenugreek supplementation significantly lowered lipid peroxidation and significantly increased antioxidant system in diabetic rats in research study (ref. 10).
Research studies have noted positive influence of feeding fenugreek seed mucilage and spent turmeric on intestinal and renal disaccharides and thus their beneficial role in diabetes management (ref.11).
The hypoglycemic activity of fenugreek seed extract is mediated through the stimulation of an insulin signaling pathway (ref.12)
Fenugreek seed powder protects against histopathological abnormalities in tissues as well as acts to normalize metabolism which proves its potential as an antidiabetic agent (ref.13).
Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein and contain the unique free amino acid 4-hydoxyisoleucine (4-OH-Ile), which has been characterized as one of the active ingredients for blood glucose control. Potential genotoxicity of fenugreek seed extract was evaluated using FDA recommended tests and it was determined not to be genotoxic (ref.14).
Research studies (ref.2) conclude that Fenugreek extract can lower kidney/body weight ratio, blood glucose, blood lipid levels and improve hemorheological properties in experimental diabetic rats.

  1. Improved alpha-amylase and Helicobacter pylori inhibition by fenugreek extracts derived via solid-state bioconversion using Rhizopus oligosporus Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007; 16(3):382-92.
  2. Effect of Trigonella foenum-graecum (fenugreek) extract on blood glucose, blood lipid and hemorheological properties in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007; 16 Suppl 1:422-6.
  3. Soluble dietary fibre fraction of Trigonella foenum-graecum (fenugreek) seed improves glucose homeostasis in animal models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes by delaying carbohydrate digestion and absorption, and enhancing insulin action. Br J Nutr. 2007 Mar; 97(3):514-21.
  4. In vivo effect of Trigonella foenum graecum on the expression of pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and distribution of glucose transporter (GLUT4) in alloxan-diabetic rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2006 Jun;84(6):647-54.
  5. Long-term effect of Trigonella foenum graecum and its combination with sodium orthovanadate in preventing histopathological and biochemical abnormalities in diabetic rat ocular tissues. Mol Cell Biochem. 2006 Sep; 289(1-2):137-47. Epub 2006 May 23.
  6. Low doses of vanadate and Trigonella synergistically regulate Na+/K + -ATPase activity and GLUT4 translocation in alloxan-diabetic rats. Mol Cell Biochem. 2006 Apr;285(1-2):17-27. Epub 2006 Apr 19.
  7. Modulation of glucose transporter (GLUT4) by vanadate and Trigonella in alloxan-diabetic rats. Life Sci. 2006 Jan 18;78(8):820-4. Epub 2005 Nov 14.
  8. Effect of supplementation of traditional medicinal plants on blood glucose in non-insulin-dependent diabetics: a pilot study. J Med Food. 2005 Winter;8(4):545-9.
  9. Restoration of ultrastructural and biochemical changes in alloxan-induced diabetic rat sciatic nerve on treatment with Na3VO4 and Trigonella–a promising antidiabetic agent. Mol Cell Biochem. 2005 Oct; 278(1-2):21-31.
  10. Supplementation of fenugreek leaves reduces oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Med Food. 2005 Fall;8(3):382-5.
  11. Modulatory effect of fenugreek seed mucilage and spent turmeric on intestinal and renal disaccharidases in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2005 Jun; 60(2):87-91.
  12. The hypoglycaemic activity of fenugreek seed extract is mediated through the stimulation of an insulin signalling pathway. Br J Pharmacol. 2005 Sep; 146(1):41-8.
  13. Trigonella foenum graecum seed powder protects against histopathological abnormalities in tissues of diabetic rats. Mol Cell Biochem. 2004 Nov; 266(1-2):151-9.
  14. Genotoxicity testing of a fenugreek extract. Food Chem Toxicol. 2004 Nov; 42(11):1769-75.
  15. Supplementation of fenugreek leaves lower lipid profile in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J Med Food. 2004 Summer; 7(2):153-6.
  16. Supplementation of fenugreek leaves to diabetic rats. Effect on carbohydrate metabolic enzymes in diabetic liver and kidney. Phytother Res. 2003 Dec; 17(10):1231-3.
Semua penderita diabetes tertarik dalam menurunkan kadar gula darah dan tingkat kolesterol harus mengambil ramuan ini menjadi pertimbangan baik benih atau bentuk daun. Hal ini juga menunjukkan beberapa manfaat positif untuk kelainan yang berhubungan dengan retinopati diabetes. Semua referensi dan link ke penelitian ini adalah pada akhir penjumlahan ini pendek. Panduan ini adalah sebuah karya dalam proses, tapi ada banyak informasi di sini untuk Anda mulai
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) benih telah menunjukkan memiliki efek hipoglikemik dan hipokolesterolemik pada type1 & type2 pasien diabetes mellitus diabetes dan hewan percobaan. Suplementasi daun fenugreek menurunkan profil lipid dalam diabetes mellitus (ref.15). Suplementasi dengan daun Fenugreek meningkatkan berat badan dan glikogen hati dan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dari metabolisme karbohidrat yang mirip dengan glibenklamid (Ref. 16). Studi (ref 3) menunjukkan bahwa fraksi larut makanan biji fenugreek diberikannya efek anti-diabetes dimediasi melalui penghambatan pencernaan dan penyerapan karbohidrat, dan peningkatan tindakan insulin perifer.
Fenugreek juga mengoreksi perubahan dalam distribusi glukosa transporter otot rangka GLU4 (ref 4). Hasil studi di ref 1 pengayaan menunjukkan ekstrak fenugreek, yang memiliki implikasi untuk manajemen diabetes diet berbasis.
Fenugreek dan Sodium orthovandate sendiri atau dalam kombinasi dosis rendah telah terbukti efektif mengontrol kelainan histopatologi dan biokimia okular yang terkait dengan retinopathy diabetes (ref 5). dosis rendah Vandate dan Trigonella dalam kombinasi efektif dalam normalisasi membran berubah fungsi terkait dan distribusi GLU4 tanpa efek samping (, ref.6 7).
Studi lain menyimpulkan bahwa 2g dari campuran bubuk dari 3 tanaman obat (labu pahit, biji jamun dan fenugreek) dalam bentuk mentah atau dimasak dapat berhasil digunakan n menurunkan glukosa darah pada diabetes (ref.8)
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis rendah Na3VO4 dalam kombinasi dengan bubuk biji Trigonella merupakan agen antidiabetik yang efisien untuk mengontrol komplikasi jangka panjang diabetes pada jaringan seperti saraf perifer (Ref. 9).
tepung daun Fenugreek mengurangi stres oksidatif pada diabetes eksperimental.Fenugreek suplemen secara signifikan menurunkan peroksidasi lipid dan meningkat secara signifikan sistem antioksidan pada tikus diabetes dalam studi penelitian (Ref. 10).
Studi penelitian telah mencatat pengaruh positif lendir makan biji fenugreek dan menghabiskan kunyit pada disakarida usus dan ginjal dan dengan demikian peran menguntungkan mereka dalam manajemen diabetes (ref.11).
Aktivitas hipoglikemik ekstrak biji fenugreek dimediasi melalui stimulasi jalur sinyal insulin (ref.12)
bubuk biji Fenugreek melindungi terhadap kelainan histopatologi pada jaringan serta bertindak untuk menormalkan metabolisme yang membuktikan potensinya sebagai agen antidiabetes (ref.13).
Biji Fenugreek kaya protein dan mengandung asam amino yang unik bebas 4-hydoxyisoleucine (4-OH-Ile), yang telah ditandai sebagai salah satu bahan aktif untuk kendali glukosa darah. genotoxicity Potensi biji fenugreek ekstrak dievaluasi menggunakan tes FDA direkomendasikan dan ditentukan tidak akan genotoksik (ref.14).
Studi penelitian (ref.2) menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak Fenugreek dapat menurunkan ginjal / rasio berat badan, glukosa darah, kadar lipid darah dan meningkatkan sifat hemorheological pada tikus diabetes eksperimental.

UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSINHP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendsterbinmuhsin_group@yahoo.co.id===Khasiat Bin Muhsin Fenugreek: Membantu pembesaran payudara, Memperbesar penis,gairah seks, kesehatan penis, meningkatkan aliran susu, merangsang rahim, meringankan iritasi jaringan, menurunkan demam, mengurangi gula darah, memperbaiki pencernaan, meningkatkan penyembuhan, telah pencahar, ekspektoran, diuretik, anti parasit dan anti-tumor efek, untuk mempromosikan pertumbuhan rambut (laki-laki ).Khasiat lainnya: untuk mengobati diabetes pada orang dewasa (akhir-onset diabetes), pencernaan yang buruk, radang lambung, mencegah dan mengobati turun berok/hernia,gangguan pencernaan dan TB, nyeri haid, sakit dan kurangnya tenaga kerja laktasi, atas kehilangan libido, menyakitkan testikel dan ejakulasi dini, penurunan berat badan, anoreksia dan miskin nafsu makan, sakit terkait ginjal, sakit pinggang, menyakitkan testikel, hernia, edema kaki, afrodisiak, untuk pencernaan dan bronkial keluhan, encok dan radang sendi, radang kulit, borok, bisul, eksim dan selulit

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